Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Celebrities in Over-The-Knee Boots

Ciara in OTK Stiletto Boots


Fellow Boot Lovers,

As you all know, 2009 Fall season brings us the gorgeous over-the-knee (OTK) boots. Once called “hooker boots” and strictly reserved for fetish events and stage performances, over-the-knee boots have already entered the daily life of many celebrities, who were eager to show off with their designer OTK boots in order to claim the fashion pioneer title. Like it is with every fashion article, these boots will be then a part of the daily lives of all fashionistas all around the world as soon as the summer temperatures cool down.

I know a lot of people, who already started (and some already finished!) their boot shopping to be ready not to miss the first possibility to wear those trendy tall boots. Some of the top models are already sold out and more and more companies are coming out with their version of OTK and thigh-high boots. There is a huge variety in terms of materials, shapes, colors and embellishments. Also, the prices vary a lot depending on the brand name, quality and the store that you buy the boots from.

One thing is for sure: We will enjoy wearing and seeing the beautiful tall boots again-after a couple of generations- and I hope that this trend never dies out completely.

Below is the link to the the first part of the 3 part post “Celebrities in OTK Boots” with more pictures.


The Bootbitch


Celebrities in Over-The-Knee Boots (Part1)




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